October 2021-January 2022
Nakafurano Town is renowned for its summer lavender tourism. In this tour plan, our visitors got to experience the charms of autumn and winter sightseeing around the Nakafurano area for 2 day, 1 night and 4 day, 3 night tours while using a variety of transportation!
Although most visitors come to Hokkaido by plane, we recommend traveling by ferry and bringing your car as a convenient way to visit sightseeing spots across this vast and beautiful land. In collaboration with MOL Ferry, we recommend little known travel routes which connect to Hokkaido from the Capital Area, including a "friendly girls’ trip" and a "family trip"!.
I had no idea that you could get to Hokkaido by ferry, so it was quite a valuable experience. Before boarding, I was worried about getting seasick, but when I actually got on board, it was fine. From Oarai Port, I felt like I was
immersed in an exotic atmosphere because, unlike air travel, I was able to enjoy the scenery while taking photos leisurely along the way.
The owner of the B&B was really friendly. They would take their dog on a walk and guide me around the garden. They even have a booklet made that introduces the four seasons. Thanks to learning information from the locals I really
fell in love with Nakafurano.
I wasn’t so interested in trying leatherwork at first because I didn’t have an impression that it could be pretty. But when I actually tried it first hand, I found there were plenty of cute designs! I ended up totally engrossed in the
process while the shop owner kindly taught me how to make my own coin case. I had a great time and made something I’m really happy with.
I didn’t expect to see any flowers at Farm Tomita since it wasn’t lavender season, but I was so impressed by the variety of flowers still growing. The entire farm, including autumn leaves, birch trees, and ginkgo trees was very
They also have facilities where you can learn about lavender scents and lots of souvenirs to buy. Just another reason I’d highly recommend everyone go visit Nakafurano.
I didn’t know much about Nakafurano before I went, but I found the personalities of the people who live there to be lovely, and they were kind enough to welcome me like a friend, leaving me with a lot of fun memories of my time
I’m definitely a big fan of Nakafurano now and can’t wait to come back again!
I think the Velotaxis look so cute! Riding in one is so different from a car. It has you closer to the outside and almost feels like you’re taking a walk. It’s exciting to go around to different sightseeing spots while chatting with
the driver. Another thing I like about Velotaxi is that you can really enjoy the weather while you ride along. Whenever I saw some scenery that I wanted to look closer at, I’d ask the driver to stop and that’s one of the parts I was
most grateful for.
I really enjoyed the barista experience! I’d never tried or even seen beans ground with a mill before. The owner was friendly and very easy to talk to so I felt like it was easy for even beginners like me to choose their coffee
At the Hokkaido Landscape Painting Museum, we were greeted by more than a dozen cats, and the painter who the cats followed around left quite an impression on me.
This wonderful space, once an old school but now turned gallery, showcases all of the painter’s works. I felt like I should tell all my photography gal pals to come here, but at the same time, kinda want to keep this hidden place a
secret all to myself.
I felt my mind and heart healing as I watched the goats in the spacious greenery in the vineyard at Domaine Raison. They offer a wide variety of wines in cute packaging with a warm and welcoming design that evokes images of this special
spot, along with easy-to-understand explanations. I thought they would make wonderful souvenirs for my friends.
This tour was my first time to travel north and visit Hokkaido, and it was so lovely to get to know Nakafurano. As the very center or "navel" of Hokkaido, it’s surrounded by mountains and there’s nothing artificial about it. You can
feel at one with nature here. I hope that Nakafurano will continue to show more people that this region is as close to nature as possible. Interacting with the locals and seeing their warmth, I was rather amazed at how fulfilling my
stay was, even making me forget about the obsession of digital devices in modern life! I really felt it was worth coming here.
广阔的绿地上山羊成群的DOMAIN RAISON的景色搭配上葡萄的田野,只是看着就感觉自己被治愈了。这里的红酒种类丰富、包装也很可爱,是一个令人感到温暖的观光景点设计。图表的说明十分清楚明了,作为给朋友的土特产来说再合适不过了。
이곳의 주유 플랜으로 가을과 겨울의 매력 그리고 시내 관광을 다양한 교통시설과 함께 1박2일에서 3박4일까지 즐길 수 있었습니다!
이동이 편리한 자차와 함께 탈 수 있는 유람 세트를 추천합니다. 상선 미쓰이 페리와 연계해, 지금까지 잘 알려지지 않은
관동권으로부터의 여행 경로로 우정 여행·가족여행을 제안하게 되었습니다!
펜션 주인분은 매우 소탈한 분으로, 강아지 산책과 동시에 가든을 안내해 주시고, 직접 만드신 사계절을 소개하고 있는 팜플렛도 주신 덕분에 현지의 사람들의 정보를 알게 되면서 나카후라노를 좋아하게 되었습니다.
가죽 공예 체험이라고 하면 그다지 여성스러운 이미지로 보지 않기 때문에 처음에는 흥미가 없었지만, 막상 해보니 귀엽고 예쁜 디자인도 많아서 집중해서 즐겁게 만들 수 있었습니다. 가게 주인 분이 친근하고 상냥하게 가르쳐 주신 덕분에 마음에 드는 나만의 동전 지갑이 생겨서 기뻤습니다.
라벤더의 계절에 간 것이 아니었기 때문에 팜 도미타에는 꽃이 이미 졌을거라고 생각했으나 방문해 보니 다양한 종류의 꽃이 심어져 있어 감동했습니다. 단풍, 자작나무, 은행 가로수 등 팜 전체가 정말 멋졌고, 향기를 배울 수 있는 시설이나 기념품 가게도 주변에 많이 있어서 나카후라노 여행을 생각하는 사람들에게 추천하고 싶습니다.
나카후라노에 대해서는 잘 몰랐었지만, 지역주민분들의 인품이 훌륭하시고, 편한 친구처럼 대해주셔서 잊지 못할 매우 즐거운 추억을 만들었습니다. 다시 오고 싶어질 정도로 나카후라노의 팬이 되었습니다!
바리스타 체험에 있어서는 지금까지 커피원두을 가는 것도 본 적이 없었기 때문에 매우 의미 있는 경험이었습니다. 주인분께서 소탈하시고 이야기하기 편한 성격이셔서 원두를 고르는 것조차도 친절하게 알려주셨습니다.
홋카이도 풍경화관에서는 수십 마리의 고양이를 데리고 통솔하고 있는 화가분이 매우 인상적이었습니다. 또한 폐교를 갤러리로 개조시킨 공간과 작품도 멋져서, 이곳은 사진 찍는 것을 좋아하는 분들이나 친구들에게 꼭 추천하고 싶은데 동시에 비밀로 하고 싶어지는 장소였습니다.
초록색 광야에 염소가 있는 도맨 레종의 광경에 포도밭이 더해져 보고만 있어도 위안이 되는 풍경이었습니다. 와인의 종류가 다양하고 패키지마저 사랑스러웠습니다. 이곳을 상상할 수 있는 따뜻한 디자인, 알기 쉬운 설명을 들었기 때문에 친구에게 선물하기에도 좋다고 생각했습니다.
이번 투어를 통해 처음 온 지역이자 개인적으로도 처음 온 홋카이도였지만 나카후라노를 알게 되어서 정말 좋았습니다. 산들로 둘러싸인 홋카이도의 중심이며,시각적으로도 인공적이지 않은 자연을 느낄 수 있는 곳이었기 때문에 자연에 최대한 가까이 있는 지역 그대로를 앞으로도 보여주었으면 좋겠다는 생각이 들었습니다. 지역 주민들과의 관계, 따뜻함이 느껴지는 체험을 통해, 오히려 디지털 기기의 존재를 잊게 할 만큼 매력적이었고 많은
의미를 느끼게 된 계기가 되었습니다.
Early morning plan (for 4 people)
We watched an outstanding view of the rising sun from the Tokachidake mountain range, which can only be experienced when you stay at local accommodations.
(Location: Hokuseiyama Observatory)
Night version (for 4 people)
We watched the spacious night sky through the crystal clear air.
I didn’t get to see the sea of clouds in the early morning, but the city painted by the sunrise was just breath-taking. What a stunning view!
I visited the Hitsuji no Oka Hill in the Beberui district just in time to catch the captivating sunset that dyed the fields in brilliant orange colors. The Volkswagen Bus there was also really cute.
I also went on a stargazing tour in the Beberui district. I couldn’t capture a good shot of the night view with my camera, but I was impressed by how beautiful it can be taken with an iPhone!
It was my first time visiting Nakafurano, and it was so enchanting watching the bountiful natural scenery of the region from the window throughout my journey. What’s more, since Nakafurano has good access to Biei and south of Furano, I
felt like it’s a perfect location for long-term stays and leisurely sightseeing. This time I stayed at three different accommodations including cottages, and all of them were in wonderful locations. I think anyone can stay here with
peace of mind. Although convenience stores, supermarkets, and vending machines aren’t really within walking distance, I still enjoyed a sweet time at each place I stayed.
It really depends on your luck whether you get to see the sea of clouds or a beautiful sunrise so I felt rewarded that they had other things to enjoy like hot drinks and such, for the early morning stay. It would be great if they
could prepare a chair or a table to have breakfast there.
It’s convenient that you don’t have to go far to enjoy stargazing. The scenery in the morning, evening, and at night were wondrous, and I thought it would be even nicer if there were more nature experiences we could enjoy in every
season, beyond just the lavender season.
I was extremely impressed to see the sunrise and the starry sky from a little-known spot overlooking the town. Seeing the snowy mountains and the rising sun all at once on a slightly cold morning, the hot drinks and warm clothes such as
blankets that they prepared were incredibly satisfying. I personally really enjoyed their explanations about the mountains around us which deepened my understanding of the area. However, I noticed that younger people seemed to be
satisfied just taking pictures, so I think a guide like that for younger tourists could be a good option.
오전 패키지 (4인)
숙박시설에 묵고 난 뒤, 아침에만 체험할 수 있는 도카치다케 산봉우리에서 떠오르는 아침 해를 볼 수 있습니다.
(장소: 호쿠세이산 전망대)
오후 패키지 (4인)
맑은 공기 속에 탁 트인 밤하늘을 볼 수 있습니다.
때마침 저녁노을로 인해 오렌지 빛으로 물든 베벨루이 지구의 히쓰지노오카 언덕 주변의 밭이 너무 예쁘게 보였습니다. 또 놓여있던 빈티지 버스도 귀여웠습니다.
천체관측 투어를 위해 베벨루이 지구를 방문했습니다. 카메라로는 야경이 잘 안 찍혀서 아쉬웠지만 휴대폰(아이폰)으로는 예쁘게 찍혀서 무한감동이었습니다!
이번이 처음 방문한 나카후라노였습니다. 자연에 둘러싸여, 무심코 이동 중의 창밖에 보이는 경치조차 아름다운 곳이라고 생각했습니다. 또 비에이와 후라노 이남지방으로의 교통편이 너무 좋아서 장기 여행·구체적인 관광을 원하는 사람에게 딱 맞다고 느꼈습니다.펜션 등 숙박시설도 이번에 세 군데를 이용했는데 다 안전하고 멋진 곳에 있어서 안심하고 머무를 수 있었다고 생각합니다. 편의점이나 슈퍼, 자판기 등이 도보로 갈 수 없는
거리에 있는 만큼 각각의 숙박시설에서 보내는 방법으로 의미 있게 즐길 수 있었던 것 같습니다.
밤하늘 관찰은 그렇게 멀리 가지 않아도 할 수 있다는 것이 좋았습니다. 아침이나 저녁, 밤의 경치도 좋았지만, 라벤더 이외의 계절도 즐길 수 있는 체험 거리(자연계)가 더 있으면 좋겠다고 생각했습니다.
마을을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 숨겨진 명소에서 아침 햇살과 밤하늘을 볼 수 있다는 것에 행복했고 따뜻한 느낌이었습니다. 설산과 아침 해를 한 번에 볼 수 있었고, 조금 추운 아침에 따뜻한 음료나 담요 등의 방한 도구를 준비해주셔서 아주 만족스러운 패키지였습니다. 또 주위에 보이는 산들에 대한 설명을 해주셔서 지역의 이해가 깊어져 저는 즐거웠는데, 젊은 분들은 사진을 찍는 것만으로 만족할 것 같아 이 가이드는 옵션으로 좋다고
場所:スパ&ホテルリゾートふらのラテール ロビー&駐車場
Date and time: October 17, 2021, from 13:00 to 16:00
Location: Spa & Hotel Resort Furano La Terre Lobby & Parking Lot
To connect farmers and locals who tend to stay shut in due to the coronavirus, we held an event with thorough measures against infectious diseases.
This fusion of agriculture and tourism was done in an effort to uncover the charm of the region.
The event was very well received by the locals, so we will continue to do it as an annual project.
Various signature products
I thought it was so interesting and rare to see so many lightweight trucks all lined up with so many local ingredients and specialties on display. The get-together and explanations from local farmers was such a heartwarming event that I’d love to participate in again. Next time I hope there will be even more processed goods, miscellaneous goods, and foods that can be eaten on the spot. Also, beyond shopping, it would be great if there were chances to try out hand making things even after the popular products (dried flowers, etc.) have sold out.
I thought it was amazing that we could buy signature products and items only sold in the area and at a reasonable price. The items that I found sold in the back of cars and lightweight trucks were stylish and interesting. It was a pity that I arrived late and missed a number of the displays. The event is a fashionable market and I think youngsters will be delighted too if they decorate it cutely. If the number of popular items increases, surely the participants will be more satisfied too.
There were so many interesting looking shops gathered in town! Even though I didn’t have time to get to them all, I felt like this was a city where I could talk to the locals and enjoy the goodness of Nakafurano even on a packed travel schedule. It may be hard to include it on a tour, but having the opportunity to interact with friendly locals will certainly give you a different travel experience. Nakafurano is the kind of place you’ll want to come back to again because of the way you can connect with the people there. I only regret that there are still things I haven’t explored yet, so I would like to visit again.
장소:스파&호텔 리조트 후라노 라테일 로비&주차장
코로나에 틀어박히기 쉬운 농가와 지역주민들을 연결하기 위해
코로나 대책을 철저히 하여 이벤트를 개최했습니다.
농업과 관광의 융합으로서 지역의 매력 발굴의 일환으로서 마음을 다해 실시했습니다.
현지 주민으로부터 큰 호평을 받았으며, 앞으로도 연례 사업으로서 시행할 예정입니다.
현지의 각종 특산품
We will hold a social media photo contest in autumn and winter to (re)discover from the perspective of our visitors to Nakafurano the spectacular scenery, food, people, and more that are not found during the lavender season! Find your own unique way to spend the time in town.
August 16th-September 30th, 2021
【Announcement of the winning results】
December 1, 2021-January 31, 2022
The steps are the same as the autumn Instagram hashtag posting, but the second contest is standardized to the "#WinterGeni" category. What can you discover in the White Furano Valley?
☆The Contestants of Nakafu-genic 2021 must be residents domastically and apply this hashtag campaingn in Japanese.
【Announcement of the winning results】
Scheduled to be announced in early February
지역 사람들 등 나카후라노를 방문하신 분들의 눈높이에서 재발견! 자신만의 생활 방식을 찾아보세요.
【당첨 결과 발표】
부문으로 통일.백색의 나카후라노에서 당신은 무엇을 찾아낼 것인가⁉
【당첨 결과 발표】
2월 초 발표 예정
Aさん(30代 女性)
Bさん(20代 女性)